The digitalization occurring in all sectors has had a particularly strong impact on design professions. Designers as a whole have contributed to the emergence of hybrid products and services between information networks, spaces, actions, and people, both intangible (web service, software, communication systems, etc.), and material (telephone, computer, television, connected objects, home automation system, etc.). In these new contexts, the role of the designer is to produce and represent possible uses of technologies by arranging them into usable and desirable products or services. Designers must first analyze the context and users of a digital device, then define the structure and functional characteristics of the service. Designers determine not only the framework and future use of the product, but also its look and feel. Digital designers work in multidisciplinary teams (marketing, editorial, engineers, customer service, etc.) to transform an original idea or technology into a final product. They have thus become an essential intermediary between the company and the customer. In a context of strong demand for digital design skills across all sectors, the job market remains very competitive, and salaries remain at fairly high levels.
Check out the 2024 salaries for key positions in digital design!